Nusantara Splash is a collaborative project between the French and Indonesian experimental music scenes. The project is led by Capsul Collectif and revolves around the creative work of Thibault Florent, musician and improviser, and Lintang Radittya, Javanese media artist and DIY activist. Our aim is to maximize interactions between artists, audiences, promoters, labels, medias... both in France and Indonesia, in order to increase mutual awareness of the French and Indonesian scenes.
Nusantara Splash will unfold in 2025 and 2026 around a schedule of artistic residencies, public awareness actions and concerts in France and Indonesia.
Coproducers :
In France: Contre-Courant MJC, CNCM Ici l'Onde, La Vapeur, Le Petit Faucheux, Labomedia, L'Upito, Brut Pop
In Indonesia: Ethnictro, Sonikustik, Insitu Recordings, YK Booking, Jogja Noise Bombing, EPA Limited
Thibault Florent and Lintang Radittya : fouler, creuser, crisser
fouler, creuser, crisser is a joint creation by the two artists, somewhere between sound installation and concert. Taking on the appearance of a small sound factory, it questions the boundaries between physical matter and sound matter, and between play spaces and living spaces.
Thibault Florent : DIY instruments (strings, percussions)
Lintang Radittya : media artist (sound, electronics)